Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The beginning. . .

"Sometimes the Lord calms the storm. Sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms his child."

Well, my husband has begged me for a long time to start a blog. I have decided that since I don't journal at all and there is so much going on in our lives right now that I would go ahead and start to write a little bit. Also, the last month and a half of our lives have taken a twist that I never prepared myself for. All my life I have thought, "how would I handle this or that situation?" I have to admit that my husband has always been such a hard worker and had at least one job with 60 hours or 3 jobs and working even more that I have never imagined being unemployed. I have to admit it is alot harder than I thought it would be.

On July 31st about 30 minutes before Rick and I were to leave for an overnight get away for our Anniversary (the first in many years) the company that both of us worked for pulled me into a meeting and in about 2 minutes they laid me off. I did alot of my work from home and I knew that they were going to more in house work so I half anticipated it, but it was still a stress on our family.

My husband had been with the company for about 5 years and they kept telling him that he was very valuable to them so it never crossed our mind that he would be laid off. On August 11th he was laid off. Within 11 days we lost ALL of our income. It was a shock to me and my husband.

I have to say that the last 6 weeks have taught my family many experiences. Several of my friends have given me advice along the way and I have found alot of comfort from family and friends and their support.

The other day my sister-in-law referred me to a blogsite that a mom shares daily scoops of thoughts after she lost her 14 month old in June. I have found a lot of comfort in her daily entries and that has inspired me to share some of my thoughts and day to day stuff that maybe I can help someone.

So, here goes the blog. . .

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