Sunday, September 21, 2008

What a summer we had!!!!!!

My husband set this blog up and started an entry for me:

"I still can't believe that the summer has already gone by and we are well into school. I have already completed my major project in the PTA this year with the school carnival. I thought that I would start this blog by sharing some pictures from our summer. We went to Lagoon, parades, stock car races, bear lake, stock car races, goblin valley, stock car races, crandall canyon mine, not to mention all the time at the pool at my moms after a movie with all of the cousins at the scera every Wednesday."
It worked. I had to make some corrections :) so that motivated me to add to the Summer entry. We had a BLAST! When it was time for school to start I didn't want my kids to go back to school. My children are at perfect stages and we have a blast together! I can't believe that month of school has already gone by. With 3 in regular school and 1 in preschool 2 days a week I actually get to enjoy 4 hours a week of quiet. It is really nice, but it is great when my children come home. Here are some fun pictures from the summer fun. . .
Orem Owlz Game in July
All of my family (except for 1 sister and her family and a sister who is in Hungary serving a mission came to Bear Lake) and we hiked into Minnetonka Cave. This is the end of the cave.

Went to Hogle Zoo with Grandma Hardman

Went to Family Reunions. . .Dad was racing on a skateboard in one of the activities.

These are just some of the fun things! It was an amazing summer!

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